Sheer delight overwhelmed my heart when I caught my first glimpse of it.There it was, fuzzy as can be, blue eyed and dazzling white against the dark wood of the fence it was clinging to. An adorable kitten in my yard! Something was not right, however. Its slow lethargic movements turned my delight into compassion and further into a desire to feed the tiny animal. I begged my husband to feed it, exclaiming dramatically that it would die if we didn't. So he caved, and carefully prepared a milk and bread meal in a small tupperware dish. As soon as the poor thing heard his footsteps, it darted behind our shed.
They looked like this, but younger. <3 |
After work, I was curious as to whether the kitten ate our gift, and to my delight (again) I found
two kittens on the fence ledge! One was basking in the sun, sprawled out with its eyes closed while the other was licking the tupperware clean. How I wish I could hold them! A larger cat showed up less than an hour later, and I can only assume that was momma. I was comforted in a small way, knowing that she was alive and back to look after them. I wonder if they will eventually leave? I don't think Tyler will feed them again. If I ever owned a cat, I would like a white one. These are white. Hmmm.